School is in full swing! With things back on track, a lot of kids are still playing catch up not only from the time that was lost during COVID, but the summer slide as well. With conferences coming up and classroom routines solidified, teachers have a pretty good idea of where their class is and how individual kids are functioning in their academic environments.
If there are concerns, it is a good idea to get to the bottom of what is going on sooner than later. What starts out as "some difficulties", even in areas that are easily remediated, like handwriting, can result in frustration and an eventual dislike for a class or school altogether. Occupational Therapy can assess areas like handwriting, visual processing skills, executive functioning, fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, attention and following directions, and growth mindset to find the root of what might be going on. Early intervention is key to being able to help your child have a positive school year and to preserve self-esteem, resilience, and perseverance.
If you would like a school screening for your child or if the school your child attends is interested in offering this resource to families, please contact us today!
